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MenuHome (hidden)eLibrary All Online ResourcesCreativeBug (art & crafts classes)downloadLibrary (ebooks, eaudiobooks, magazines)Freegal (downloadable music)hoopla (eaudiobooks, ebooks, video, comics)Kanopy (video, KanopyKids, The Great Courses)Mango (language learning)PressReader (enewspapers, emagazines)TumbleBookLibrary Premium (kids ebooks, activities, games)Collections Accessible CollectionsIndigenous ResourcesBook Club KitsBrowseDiscovery KitsGames CollectionHobby KitsLanguagesLocal HistoryMobile Hotspot Lending ProgramMuseum Family PassesOnline ResourcesParenting ResourcesRecreation PassesSeed LibrarySelf-Published AuthorsSmall Business InformationWellness KitsPrograms & Events Events CalendarGeocacheMy EventsPrograms and Registration FAQServices AccessibilityAsk a LibrarianBuild a BundleBulk Borrowing (Institutions)Call & CollectComputers and InternetExam Proctoring SpaceExpress CollectionsInterlibrary Loan ServiceLocations and HoursMemory LabNew Online CatalogueNewcomers to Waterloo RegionPrinting and CopyingRequest an ItemRoom ReservationsRWL-2-GO Library AppServiceOntario at LibrariesMy Library Borrowing from Other LibrariesCareers and VolunteeringContact UsDonateEvents CalendarLibrary CommitteeLocations and HoursNew Library CardseNewsletterPolicies and ReportsRenewing Your Library CardUsing Your Library CardHow Do I...? How Do I...?Library CardGet a Library CardPay a FineRenew an ItemGet InvolvedCareersDonateVolunteerResearch and ServicesAccess Online ResourcesTech HelpContact the LibraryLocations and HoursContact us